Rough Draft Due: Wednesday 10.26 Final Draft Due: Wednesday 11.2
Working in groups, students will design images of an iPhone, iPad, or computer application (app) for the NYIT community and compose a 750-word rationale that addresses the group's design choices, the argument(s) the app design makes, the audience and purpose of the app, how it would work, and the ways that this app fulfills or differs from Steve Jobs's vision in Walter Isaacson's biography. Topics your app might address include: food, social life, studying, coursework, writing, grammar, Old Westbury, the dorms, transportation, and community service. Each group member will contribute an equal portion of the rationale (approximately 25o words), but it should read as a fluid whole.
Your rationale must be a Microsoft Word document including the cover image (see the image from itunes below) and two images of how your app would work (see images from previous student apps above). You can use Jing to capture screenshots of your app design. In addition to the images in your rationale, you can also submit and design the app using a web platform (such as Wix, Weebly, Piktochart, or Prezi) or a program like Power Point. If you use a website, make sure that it is not available to the public. You can include the login and password in your rationale document or send an invitation to the instructor to see your app. If you would like, you can also include a pdf of your app design (for instance if using Microsoft publisher, Photoshop, or an application to which the viewer might not have access). Students can also sketch images by hand and photograph or scan them to submit them with their rationales. Whether the app image is designed digitally or by hand, it should demonstrate effort, cohesion, and clarity.
As you are brainstorming,, consider how your app will best use an iphone, ipad, or computer;’s features, such as internet access, interactivity, social media, a camera, sound, images, or gps.
The rationale must analyze at least three quotations from Jobs's biography. You can also cite Apple's recent developments.
The rough and final drafts of your rationales should be typed in 12 point, Times New Roman font, and demonstrate correct use of MLA style.
Your rationale must include a list of works cited including all sources you have consulted, including webpages, and the sources of your images. All of the language in your rationale and image of your app must be your own.
One group member must upload your rationale (including images of the app) and any additional files to Blackboard at least thirty minutes before class on the dates indicated above.