Our course blog's address is writingappleandmicrosoft2016.blogspot.com
To post: log in at blogger.com
Note: If you are having difficulty viewing the blog, try using a different browser.
Blog Posting 4
Due Wednesday 11.16 by 5pm.
In your fourth blog posting, you will use one of the templates from They Say/I Say to argue why Coupland's novel Microserfs (1995) is relevant in 2016, Topics you might address include the novel's audience, its characters, the history of Apple and Microsoft, and the computer industry now. Who would find it interesting and why? How have audiences changed since the novel was published? You can address these aspects as they relate to your argument. .Select a narrow focus that you can address in 250 words. You can continue to write about your topic from Blog Posting 4, but you must analyze at least two quotations from pages 60-100 of Microserfs, You are also welcome to begin writing about secondary sources that you have located for your argumentative essay. Remember to include them in your works cited.
You must also introduce and follow your quotations using one of the formats on pages 45-46 of They Say, I Say. Your posting will also analyze at least one image related to a topic, concept, or product that you discuss. This image must differ from the image you included in Blog Posting 4. Make sure to cite the source of your image.
Remember to use correct MLA format for in-text citations and list of works cited acknowledging all sources you have consulted, including Microserfs..
Blog Posting 3
Due Wednesday 11.9, at least 30 minutes before class.
In your third blog posting, you will use one of the templates from They Say/I Say to will argue why Douglas Coupland's novel Microserfs (1995) is relevant in 2016, analyzing Topics you might address include the novel's audience, its characters, the history of Apple and Microsoft, and the computer industry now. Who would find it interesting and why? How have audiences changed since the novel was published? You can address these aspects as they relate to your argument. Select a narrow focus that you can address in 250 words. You must analyze at least two quotations from pages 30-59 of Microserfs, Your posting must also analyze at least one image related to a topic, concept, or product that you discuss. Make sure to cite the source of your image.
Remember to use correct MLA format for in-text citations and list of works cited acknowledging all sources you have consulted, including Microserfs..
Blog Posting 2
Due: Wednesday 10.12, at least 30 minutes before class.
In preparation for your second projects designing applications (apps) for a phone, tablet, or computer, you will investigate one existing app, perhaps one that you may see as a model for your group’s app, for your second blog posting. Your posting will be at least 250 words and assert a thesis that you will support with your analysis of the app that you have located and at least one quotation from chapters 8 to 15 of Walter Isaacson’s biography, Steve Jobs. When responding to the biography, you might consider how this app demonstrates aspects of Apple’s intersection of art and technology. Chapter eight on “Graphical User Interfaces” may be particularly relevant. Your posting must also analyze at least one image of your app, which you can capture using a screenshot.
When assessing the app you have selected, return to the instructions for the second project on our course website. Also return to Understanding Rhetoric’s guide materials for analyzing visual rhetoric. Consider the ways that the app’s written, oral, visual, electronic, and nonverbal elements work together. What is the audience for the app? How does it work? How do the visual design and purpose work together? What pages or options does the app include? Is the app easy to use? How does it incorporate a phone, tablet, or computer’s features, such as internet access, gps, or access to social media? What would you improve about the app? Are there any reviews of the app? Who has found it successful or unsuccessful, and why?
You must include a list of works cited at the end of your blog posting acknowledging all sources you have consulted, including Isaacson’s biography and websites. If you located your app using itunes, you can find a website describing the app and directing users to the itunes store using google.
You must use your own words and cite all sources using MLA format.
Blog Posting 1
Due: Wednesday 9.21, at least 30 minutes before class.
In your first blog posting, you will compose a 250-word response that asserts a thesis that you will support with your analysis of one of the following Apple and Microsoft commercials: Start Me Up (1995), 1984, Windows 10 (2016), or "The Human Family" (2016). Your posting must analyze at least one quotation and one image from the commercial. You can use Jing to capture and save an image from your commercial..
Remember to select a narrow focus so that you can achieve depth in your posting. As return to the commercials, consider their written, oral, visual, electronic, and nonverbal elements. You can also analyze the commercials' color scheme, sound, characters, style of engaging the audience, use of scenery, tone, and sequence of events.
You do not need to summarize the commercials in your posting. Assume your readers have seen them and tell your readers what they need to know to understand your points.
As, compose your posting, review the techniques for analyzing and interpreting texts in Understanding Rhetoric.
You must include a list of works cited at the end of your blog posting acknowledging all sources you have consulted, including webpages. You must use your own words and cite all sources using MLA format..
Blog Posting Instructions
Throughout the term you will post blog entries on the dates indicated on the syllabus. You must also comment on at least one of your peers’ blog postings within 48 hours of their due dates. Our blog will be limited to members of the Apple and Microsoft classes and not available to the public. The instructor will provide an assignment for the postings indicated on the syllabus, but you are also welcome to post and comment whenever you feel inspired to do so.
Your blog entries must be at least 250 words and analyze quotations from the text as well as an image, sound, or video clip that you will include or indicate with a link.
Blog postings provide an opportunity to shed light on the contexts that inform the texts we will read. You should build from the topics we have addressed in class and in our projects, taking the readings a step further and posing questions for your classmates to consider. The blog is also a place where you can receive feedback as you develop your projects.
You must use MLA citation format to acknowledge the sources to which you refer or the images or media you incorporate in your posting.
The five required blog entries and comments count as part of your responsive writings grade for the course.
Blog postings are due at least 30 minutes before class. To be counted as one of your four required comments, a comment must be posted within 24 hours of a blog's due date. You can post additional comments at any time.
For MLA style see https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/
For quoting practices see: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/563/01/
and https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/03/
For avoiding plagiarism see: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/930/10/
Blog Rubric
The instructor will evaluate your blog postings using the following five point rubric, ranging from 0 (no credit) to 4 (exceptional). Grades will be posted on Blackboard.
Adapted from http://www.samplereality.com/2009/08/14/pedagogy-and-the-class-blog/
To post: log in at blogger.com
Note: If you are having difficulty viewing the blog, try using a different browser.
Blog Posting 4
Due Wednesday 11.16 by 5pm.
In your fourth blog posting, you will use one of the templates from They Say/I Say to argue why Coupland's novel Microserfs (1995) is relevant in 2016, Topics you might address include the novel's audience, its characters, the history of Apple and Microsoft, and the computer industry now. Who would find it interesting and why? How have audiences changed since the novel was published? You can address these aspects as they relate to your argument. .Select a narrow focus that you can address in 250 words. You can continue to write about your topic from Blog Posting 4, but you must analyze at least two quotations from pages 60-100 of Microserfs, You are also welcome to begin writing about secondary sources that you have located for your argumentative essay. Remember to include them in your works cited.
You must also introduce and follow your quotations using one of the formats on pages 45-46 of They Say, I Say. Your posting will also analyze at least one image related to a topic, concept, or product that you discuss. This image must differ from the image you included in Blog Posting 4. Make sure to cite the source of your image.
Remember to use correct MLA format for in-text citations and list of works cited acknowledging all sources you have consulted, including Microserfs..
Blog Posting 3
Due Wednesday 11.9, at least 30 minutes before class.
In your third blog posting, you will use one of the templates from They Say/I Say to will argue why Douglas Coupland's novel Microserfs (1995) is relevant in 2016, analyzing Topics you might address include the novel's audience, its characters, the history of Apple and Microsoft, and the computer industry now. Who would find it interesting and why? How have audiences changed since the novel was published? You can address these aspects as they relate to your argument. Select a narrow focus that you can address in 250 words. You must analyze at least two quotations from pages 30-59 of Microserfs, Your posting must also analyze at least one image related to a topic, concept, or product that you discuss. Make sure to cite the source of your image.
Remember to use correct MLA format for in-text citations and list of works cited acknowledging all sources you have consulted, including Microserfs..
Blog Posting 2
Due: Wednesday 10.12, at least 30 minutes before class.
In preparation for your second projects designing applications (apps) for a phone, tablet, or computer, you will investigate one existing app, perhaps one that you may see as a model for your group’s app, for your second blog posting. Your posting will be at least 250 words and assert a thesis that you will support with your analysis of the app that you have located and at least one quotation from chapters 8 to 15 of Walter Isaacson’s biography, Steve Jobs. When responding to the biography, you might consider how this app demonstrates aspects of Apple’s intersection of art and technology. Chapter eight on “Graphical User Interfaces” may be particularly relevant. Your posting must also analyze at least one image of your app, which you can capture using a screenshot.
When assessing the app you have selected, return to the instructions for the second project on our course website. Also return to Understanding Rhetoric’s guide materials for analyzing visual rhetoric. Consider the ways that the app’s written, oral, visual, electronic, and nonverbal elements work together. What is the audience for the app? How does it work? How do the visual design and purpose work together? What pages or options does the app include? Is the app easy to use? How does it incorporate a phone, tablet, or computer’s features, such as internet access, gps, or access to social media? What would you improve about the app? Are there any reviews of the app? Who has found it successful or unsuccessful, and why?
You must include a list of works cited at the end of your blog posting acknowledging all sources you have consulted, including Isaacson’s biography and websites. If you located your app using itunes, you can find a website describing the app and directing users to the itunes store using google.
You must use your own words and cite all sources using MLA format.
Blog Posting 1
Due: Wednesday 9.21, at least 30 minutes before class.
In your first blog posting, you will compose a 250-word response that asserts a thesis that you will support with your analysis of one of the following Apple and Microsoft commercials: Start Me Up (1995), 1984, Windows 10 (2016), or "The Human Family" (2016). Your posting must analyze at least one quotation and one image from the commercial. You can use Jing to capture and save an image from your commercial..
Remember to select a narrow focus so that you can achieve depth in your posting. As return to the commercials, consider their written, oral, visual, electronic, and nonverbal elements. You can also analyze the commercials' color scheme, sound, characters, style of engaging the audience, use of scenery, tone, and sequence of events.
You do not need to summarize the commercials in your posting. Assume your readers have seen them and tell your readers what they need to know to understand your points.
As, compose your posting, review the techniques for analyzing and interpreting texts in Understanding Rhetoric.
You must include a list of works cited at the end of your blog posting acknowledging all sources you have consulted, including webpages. You must use your own words and cite all sources using MLA format..
Blog Posting Instructions
Throughout the term you will post blog entries on the dates indicated on the syllabus. You must also comment on at least one of your peers’ blog postings within 48 hours of their due dates. Our blog will be limited to members of the Apple and Microsoft classes and not available to the public. The instructor will provide an assignment for the postings indicated on the syllabus, but you are also welcome to post and comment whenever you feel inspired to do so.
Your blog entries must be at least 250 words and analyze quotations from the text as well as an image, sound, or video clip that you will include or indicate with a link.
Blog postings provide an opportunity to shed light on the contexts that inform the texts we will read. You should build from the topics we have addressed in class and in our projects, taking the readings a step further and posing questions for your classmates to consider. The blog is also a place where you can receive feedback as you develop your projects.
You must use MLA citation format to acknowledge the sources to which you refer or the images or media you incorporate in your posting.
The five required blog entries and comments count as part of your responsive writings grade for the course.
Blog postings are due at least 30 minutes before class. To be counted as one of your four required comments, a comment must be posted within 24 hours of a blog's due date. You can post additional comments at any time.
For MLA style see https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/
For quoting practices see: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/563/01/
and https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/03/
For avoiding plagiarism see: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/930/10/
Blog Rubric
The instructor will evaluate your blog postings using the following five point rubric, ranging from 0 (no credit) to 4 (exceptional). Grades will be posted on Blackboard.
Adapted from http://www.samplereality.com/2009/08/14/pedagogy-and-the-class-blog/