We will be having a Skype conversation with John Sutherland, App Designer and former Microsoft employee. One of his apps is Knittin' Kittens.
![]() Pitch your app for 1 minute to members of the class who represent potential investors. Your pitch should make one connection to the most recent Jobs reading. Assignment:
Drawing on chapter 16 in Isaacson’s biography of Steve Jobs, prepare an argument regarding your team (Jobs or Gates)’s position on the intersection of art and technology. Be prepared to quote Isaacson and refer to page numbers. You can also cite to the contents of the Jobs movie. Your team must also have at least one visual piece of evidence to analyze during the debate. Assignment:
Using the hashtag #LogosEthos2016, post at least three tweets responding to the film’s representation of the intersection of art and technology in the Jobs film, particularly in light of what you encountered in Isaacson’s biography. Your tweets can also be responses to others’ tweets. Assignment:
Form two circles, an outer and an innner. The inner will hold a conversation out loud while the outer will hold an electronic conversation on Todaysmeet.com. After 15 minutes, we will switch roles. Working in groups, you will construct a Prezi of chapter 5 or 6 of Walter Isaacson's biography of Steve Jobs. (Chapter 5: Groups 1, 2, and 3; Chapter 6: Groups 4, 5, and 6). Your Prezi will make an argument addressing the intersection of art and technology in your chapter and the Jobs film we watched last class. Your Prezi can combine quotations, images, and interpretations.
Designate one member of your group the Prezi designer. The remaining members of the group should locate passages, draw connections to the film, and determine how to depict the overall argument. Before the class is over, invite the instructor to view your Prezi. We will discuss the Prezis as a class. .In Class Assignment:
Using the hashtag #LogosEthos2015 Post at least 3 tweets addressing the Jobs (2013) film’s representation of the intersection of technology and art. Your tweets can be responses to others’ tweets. In Class Assignment:
Working in small groups, make an infographic about the research methods in Issue 5 of Understanding Rhetoric. using Piktochart.com. Each group will focus on 1/5 of the chapter. Divide up the tasks among your group members. Group members can work on the design, mine the text, and determine how best to present the information. With ten minutes left in the class session, email the finished product to the instructor who will display it for the class. |
Apple and Microsoft: 1975 to the Present